Terms of Service


  • Blink-Cart: Provider of the "SPA Service" and "SPA demo".
  • SPA Owner: A person who uses the "Services".
  • SPA Service: A store hosted on the service provider's server, created using Single Page Application technology.
  • Test Domain: A subdomain in the form of "TESTER'S NAME.blink-cart.com", provided as part of the "SPA Service".
  • SPA Demo: "SPA Service" provided on the "Test Domain" for the "SPA Owner" for testing purposes.
  • Services: "SPA Service" and/or "SPA Demo".

§1 General Provisions

Under this agreement, "Blink-Cart" commits to provide the "Services" to the "SPA Owner".

The data collected by "Blink-Cart," specifically the SPA Owner's email and shop address, is strictly for the purpose of providing the "Services" and will not be shared with any third parties without explicit consent.

§2 Services Description

The "SPA Demo" service is provided completely free of charge. The "SPA Owner" is under no obligation to purchase the "SPA Service".

The monthly price of the "SPA Service" is agreed individually with the "SPA Owner".

§3 Data Handling and Privacy

"Blink-Cart" ensures that all data collected, including email addresses and shop addresses of the SPA Owner, is handled in compliance with applicable data protection laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The "SPA Owner" is solely responsible for the data collection and handling practices within their store on the SPA Service. This includes responsibility for any client data collected through their SPA Service.

Furthermore, the "SPA Owner" must ensure that any integrations with third-party services are conducted in accordance with legal standards and best practices. The "SPA Owner" assumes full responsibility for how data is shared and managed in these integrations. It is imperative that SPA Owners understand their role in safeguarding customer data, akin to managing a standalone online shop, and ensure compliance with relevant data protection regulations when interacting with third parties.

§4 Limitations of Liability

"Blink-Cart" will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses (even if "Blink-Cart" has been advised of the possibility of such damages), resulting from the use of the "Services".

Notwithstanding any damages that the "SPA Owner" might incur for any reason whatsoever (including, without limitation, all damages referenced above and all direct or general damages), the entire liability of "Blink-Cart" and any of its suppliers under any provision of this Terms of Service and your exclusive remedy for all of the foregoing shall be limited to the amount actually paid by the "SPA Owner" to "Blink-Cart" for the service in the month prior to the action giving rise to the liability.

These limitations will apply even if the above stated remedy fails its essential purpose.

§5 Intellectual Property

The "SPA Owner" agrees to allow automatic downloading of photos, product descriptions, and descriptive pages from their store to facilitate the preparation of the "SPA Demo".

The "SPA Owner" retains all rights to the content published under the "Test Domain".

§6 Content Responsibility

The "SPA Owner" is completely and exclusively responsible for the content published under the "Test Domain", including photos and product descriptions that are automatically downloaded from their store.

§7 Complaints and Contact Information

In the event of any complaints or inquiries regarding the "Services", "SPA Owners" may contact "Blink-Cart" via the e-mail address provided on the contact page.

"Blink-Cart" will endeavor to address and resolve any complaints efficiently and to the satisfaction of the "SPA Owner".

§8 Amendments

"Blink-Cart" reserves the right to amend these Terms of Service at any time, provided such changes are communicated to the "SPA Owners" in advance.